
American Idols
by Brian Bill

God will not share His glory.

Text: Exodus 20:4-6
Sermon Series: Written in Stone

Accept One Another
by Brian Bill

It’s not our job to change other people; instead, we’re called to accept those who are wired differently than we are.

Text: Romans 14:1-15:7
Sermon Series: One Another

Care For One Another
by Brian Bill

In order for the church to function as it was designed, each of us must be committed to care for one another.

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26
Sermon Series: One Another

Following Jesus by Obeying Him
by Brian Bill

A disciple is one who follows Jesus no matter what.

Text: Luke 9:23c

Daily Embrace the Lord’s Will
by Brian Bill

Last Sunday night, over 60 people from all generations gathered for a two-hour time of prayer in the Worship Center […]

Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

Deny Your Dark Side
by Brian Bill

A disciple must deny self before following the Savior.

Text: Luke 9:23a
Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

Love Jesus Above All
by Brian Bill

A disciple loves Jesus more than anyone or anything else.

Text: Matthew 10:34-39

Love Like Jesus Loves
by Brian Bill

A disciple is one who loves like Jesus loves.

Text: John 13:34-36
Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

Heart Matters
by Brian Bill

Give the message and let God sort out the motives.

Text: Acts 8:9-25
Sermon Series: On Mission

Marriage as it’s Meant to Be
by Brian Bill

Because marriage matters to God, we must do marriage His way.

Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Sermon Series: Family Matters

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