
Rejoicing and Weeping
by Ray Pritchard

Here is God’s dream for every church. That through preaching the gospel men and women everywhere can experience the life-changing power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And to be the kind of place where, no matter what kind of week you’ve had, you can come in and say, “Ahh, I’ve made it.”

Text: Romans 12:13-15
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

How Good Christians Sometimes Do the Devil’s Work
by Ray Pritchard

As it was for Peter, so it will be for all of us. Our strengths and our weaknesses lie side by side. If we live on the level of our emotions, we may find ourselves actually opposing Jesus. If we think that our understanding equals God’s will, we are bound to fall into many grievous errors.

Text: Matthew 16:21-23
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

How God’s Will Can Mess Up Your Life in a Good Way
by Ray Pritchard

God’s will is always good, but it’s not always comfortable. And it’s certainly not predictable. What if God blew your categories and gave you success beyond your wildest dreams? What if he let you fail miserably so he could give you overwhelming success later?

Text: Luke 5:1-11
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

Can We Still Believe in Life After Death?
by Ray Pritchard

One day the Sadducees tried to trick Jesus with a very weird question. Jesus’ surprising answer teaches us a great deal about life after death. Our hope of the resurrection rests on the faithfulness of God. Our hope for the future rests not in science, not in speculation, not in some proof text, but in the character of God himself!

Text: Luke 20:27-40
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

If God Is Sovereign, What Then?
by Ray Pritchard

Our problems with the sovereignty of God start when sovereignty becomes personal. We will never understand this doctrine until we remember that we live in a fallen, that evil is personal, that we must start with God, and that God has bought us with the blood of his Son.

Text: Psalm 103:19-22
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)

A Prophet Like Moses
by Ray Pritchard

Here’s a Help Wanted ad you may find interesting: Spokesman needed for international firm. No experience necessary, no education required. […]

Text: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Sermon Series: Christ BC

What God Remembers That We Forget
by Ray Pritchard

If you’re wondering what God thinks about you, let’s take a journey through Psalm 103 and discover seven liberating truths about God’s heart. These verses reveal that he shows mercy to those who don’t deserve it, he remembers that we are dust, and he links us with eternity by linking us with himself.

Text: Psalm 103:6-18
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)

The Great Refusal
by Ray Pritchard

Because Moses said no to the riches of Egypt, he suffered greatly with the people of God. He shows us what it means—and what it costs—to say no to the world and yes to Jesus.

Text: Hebrews 11:24-28
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Shall We Kill Our Children Today?
by Ray Pritchard

The amazing faith of Moses’ parents shows us the high value that God puts on children, including those children that are born in less than ideal circumstances. Christians love children because God loves children. Ours is true pro-family religion.

Text: Hebrews 11:23
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Angry Man Alert
by Ray Pritchard

In this message, Ray Pritchard talks about the five character qualities that relate to a man and his anger. When our power is not under God’s control, we hurt ourselves and those closest to us. We need God’s help so that we might become like Jesus who was both gentle and strong, a true “gentle man.”

Sermon Series: Couples Conference 2007
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