Death was defeated when Jesus rose from the dead, and one day death will be no more.
Text: Revelation 1:18It doesn’t take deep faith or total understanding in order to be transformed. All it takes is faith that believes the words of Jesus even when you aren’t sure of anything else.
Text: John 9Spiritual plateaus, like physical plateaus, are natural and normal and necessary. They are part of God’s “scenery” of the Christian life.
Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18You can have the fading glory of the law and all you’ll get for it is death and condemnation. Or you can come to Christ and you will have the unfading glory of life and righteousness forever.
Text: 2 Corinthians 3:7-11Maybe we should make 2010 a Year of Good Riddance in which we say farewell to anger, bitterness, blaming, finger pointing, self-justification and a critical spirit, and ask God to grant us a fresh infusion of his grace in all of our relationships.
Text: 2 Corinthians 2:5-11When others twist your words, do not despair. Speak the truth, explain yourself clearly, and then entrust your future to the Lord. If we trust in him, the time of chaos will pass, and we will be stronger for having gone through the struggle.
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4Don’t waste your pain. Use it to grow closer to the Lord and to his people. Use it as a means to minister to others. Our personal ministry begins as we share with others what God has shared with us.
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11These four pictures of the Holy Spirit reveal different aspects of his ministry to us. We pray to know the Holy Spirit more deeply for he is Living Water, New Wine, Refreshing Wind, and Blazing Fire from Heaven.
Text: Four Pictures of the Holy SpiritWho is Jesus Christ? A good man? A great teacher? A revolutionary leader? Or is he the Christ, the Son of the Living God? Your eternal destiny hangs on your answer.
Text: Matthew 16:13-16This petition reminds us of how weak we really are. We are sitting ducks for the flaming darts of the devil. Unless the Lord helps us, we will not only face temptation, we will succumb to it every single time.
Text: Matthew 6:13