
No Crib for a Bed
by Ray Pritchard

There was no room for Jesus that night in Bethlehem. Will you make room for him in your heart this year?

Text: Luke 2:7

When the Infinite Became an Infant
by Brian Bill

When I spoke at Second Winders earlier this month, I started with a couple Christmas quizzes.  You would think because […]

Text: John 1:1-14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Love Fulfilled
by Brian Bill

Sometimes we forget how the words of Christmas carols sound to kids.  Here are some examples. We three kings of […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Peace Proclaimed
by Brian Bill

Several years ago, the BBC ran a story with this headline: “Priests Brawl in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.”  Fights […]

Text: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Series: The Promise

Hope Experienced
by Brian Bill

We’re beginning a new series this weekend called, “The Promise.”  Christmas can be summarized with four words: Promises made.  Promises […]

Text: Isaiah 9:1-2
Sermon Series: The Promise

Jesus: Immanuel and Savior
by Brian Bill

How are you doing hanging on to Christ this Christmas?  Does Christmas seem confusing or is it just a chaotic […]

Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Sermon Series: Cast of Christmas

The Shepherds: Hope and Joy
by Brian Bill

Are you aware there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the nativity?  Most of our mental images about Christmas come […]

Text: Luke 2:8-20
Sermon Series: Cast of Christmas

The Prophets: Preparation and Expectation
by Brian Bill

In 1998, an anonymous donor gave a marketing agency $150,000 to create an advertising campaign called “God Speaks.”  His desire […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14
Sermon Series: Cast of Christmas

Who’s in Charge Here?
by Ray Pritchard

We hear so much about fake news that we can’t decide what is real and what isn’t. Who can we trust?

Text: Isaiah 9:6
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

In Our Place
by Brian Bill

Because of grace, Jesus was born to die in our place.

Text: Isaiah 53:4-6
Sermon Series: Down to Earth: Christmas According to Isaiah
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