Jesus is God’s indescribable gift. Anything I do pales into insignificance by comparison. Therefore, I will not hold back, I will not be stingy. I will be a generous giver. If God really did so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, then I will follow him and give whatever I can. I can do no less.
Text: II Corinthians 9:12-15No one is more tormented than the Christian who cannot trust God with his finances. No one is happier than the Christian who trusts God enough to give his money away. Can you trust God with your pocketbook? Yes, you can. But you’ll never know until you make the decision in your own heart. No man was ever the loser because he decided to become a generous giver.
Text: II Corinthians 9:6-11How much did Jesus give when he died on the cross? He gave it all. He held nothing back. He offered his very best to God. The words of the invitation hymn come to mind: “Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe.” If you ever discover who owns your life, giving will be no problem to you. Giving is hard only when you think you own it all. When you realize that he owns it all, and that he paid it all, the little bit you give is the very least you can do.
Text: Mark 8:34-38