
Solus Christus: By Christ Alone
by Ray Pritchard

“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ’Who do people say the Son of […]

Text: Matthew 16:13-18
Sermon Series: The Four ‘Solas’

God in Three Persons: A Doctrine We Barely Understand
by Ray Pritchard

My problem this morning is simple: to explain a doctrine that all Christians believe but no one really understands. And […]

Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

The Easter Conspiracy
by Ray Pritchard

Do you believe it was just a myth? Do you think Jesus somehow staged his own death and then faked his resurrection? Why did the Jews concoct a plot while Jesus was still dead? Why were they so afraid? Why were the grave clothes left in such an odd position? If he didn’t rise from the dead, what happened to his body? These are the questions you need to think about. After you are through, then it’s time to make up your own mind. When Jesus stood before Pilate he declared, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me” (John 18:37). Whose side are you on?

Text: Matthew 28:11-15
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

The Salt and Light Brigade
by Ray Pritchard

We aren’t called to save the world. But we are called to make a difference. We can’t do everything. But we can do something. And what we can do, we ought to do. That’s what being salt and light is all about.

Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

Blessed are the Square Pegs
by Ray Pritchard

Some of us need to consider this beatitude very carefully. It’s not that’s we’ve said anything against Jesus. We really haven’t said anything at all. We’ve gone along and gotten along. We’re whittled down the sharp edges of our faith so we’re no longer like square pegs in round holes. Some of us “fit” too snugly in the holes of the world.

Text: Matthew 5:10-12
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

God’s Peace Corps
by Ray Pritchard

Our Lord is on a recruiting mission this morning. He’s looking for a few volunteers to join God’s Peace Corps. He’s looking for a few good men and a few good women who will spread God’s peace all over the world. There is so much war, so much strife, so much pain in the world. That’s means there is plenty of work for you to do. Every tiny step receives God’s blessing! How do you get involved in the world? Be a peacemaker!

Text: Matthew 5:9
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

The Tragedy of Double Vision
by Ray Pritchard

God’s word will make you pure and holy. But water can’t make you clean until you get in the bathtub. In the same way the word of God can purify your heart but you’ve got to take a bath daily in the water of the word. Blessed are the pure in heart … for they shall see God.

Text: Matthew 5:8
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

What We Saw In India
by Ray Pritchard

God calls us to follow in his steps. The world may not reward you for showing mercy. Show it anyway. Your friends may take advantage of you. Have mercy anyway. You may be scorned and mocked as a softie. Better that you be thought too soft than to have a hard heart.

Text: Matthew 5:7
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

Full Stomachs and Empty Hearts
by Ray Pritchard

So many of us have filled our hearts with the junk food of the world. No wonder we are so unhappy. No wonder we jump from one job to another and from relationship to another. We have full stomachs and empty hearts! Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? If you are, you can be filled. This is the promise of God to hungry hearts and thirsty souls.

Text: Matthew 5:6
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

The Right Stuff
by Ray Pritchard

We have all we need and then some. And a never-ending banquet spread by our heavenly Father in the kingdom. We have the best of both worlds. We are forgotten, yet we reign. We are despised yet blessed. We are reviled yet defended by God. As Christians we have nothing yet possess everything. And the best is yet to come. Do you want to go to heaven? You can, but you must enter through the door marked “meek only.” Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Text: Matthew 5:5
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)