
Participating in the Process
by Brian Bill

Since we are God’s method, we need to be aware of God’s process. Sometimes He uses us to cultivate the soil of people’s lives. Other times, we have the opportunity to sow by sharing the gospel message. And, on occasion, we have the privilege of participating in the harvest! In whatever stage God chooses to use us, we are part of the redemptive process. Is there anything more exciting than that?

Text: Matthew 13:1-23
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

The Miserable Millionaire: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Misplaced Priorities
by Ray Pritchard

Money is a good servant but a terrible master.

Text: Matthew 19:16-26
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

What We’re Called to Be
by Brian Bill

Jesus uses two metaphors to describe our influence in the world today. As salt, we are to make people thirsty for Jesus. As light, we have the privilege of pointing people to the true light of the world. Our challenge is to make sure we are “out of the saltshaker” and that we don’t hide what we have from others.

Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

The Mother of Two Sons: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Misguided Ambition
by Ray Pritchard

There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.

Text: Matthew 20:20-28
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Standards of Grace
by Brian Bill

Even though we have been forgiven for a boatload of sin, we often short-circuit God’s grace by withholding forgiveness from others. Jesus challenges us to extend God’s grace by offering forgiveness to everyone. As we encounter divine grace we will want to share it with others.

Text: Matthew 18:21-35
Sermon Series: Grace Encounters

The Scandal of Grace
by Brian Bill

Most of us are accustomed to getting what we work for, of receiving what is due to us. In this parable, Jesus challenges us with the scandal of grace – He gives freely to people no matter how hard they work for it. While we love the benefits of grace, it’s often difficult for us when that same grace is bestowed on others.

Text: Matthew 20:1-16
Sermon Series: Grace Encounters

When is Jesus Coming Back?
by Ray Pritchard

“He may come at any time. He’s sure to come some time. Let’s be ready when he does come.” Andrew […]

Text: Matthew 24:32-51
Sermon Series: Sermons I Always Wanted To Hear

Christmas Tears
by Ray Pritchard

Are you with Herod or with the Wise Men?

Text: Matthew 2:16-18
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage?
by Ray Pritchard

Perhaps the place to begin is with a few quotes taken from The Abolition of Marriage by Maggie Gallagher: “Over […]

Text: Matthew 19:1-12
Sermon Series: Sermons I Always Wanted To Hear

How Can I Learn to Forgive?
by Ray Pritchard

Here are some of the questions people asked about forgiveness: • What really is forgiveness? • How can one do […]

Text: Matthew 18:21-35
Sermon Series: Sermons I Always Wanted To Hear