
X is for Christ
by Ray Pritchard

X stands for Christ who is our Savior and Lord.

Text: Luke 2:11

W is for Wonder
by Ray Pritchard

Christmas is indeed a cause for holy wonder.

Text: Luke 2

V is for Virgin
by Ray Pritchard

We are not saved by the virgin birth, but without it we are not saved at all.


T is for Terrified
by Ray Pritchard

Sometimes we need a “divine disruption” so that God can speak clearly to us.

Text: Luke 2:9

S is for Sign
by Ray Pritchard

“He whom the worlds cannot enwrap yonder lies in Mary’s lap.” Martin Luther

Text: Luke 2

R is for Remember
by Ray Pritchard

Good news, my friend. Jesus is here at last!

Text: Luke 1:67-80

Q is for Question
by Ray Pritchard

Faith believes God even when we don’t understand all that He is doing.


P is for Ponder
by Ray Pritchard

What has God been teaching you this year?

Text: Luke 2:19

O is for Opposed
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus is the great divider of men.. Some will praise him. Some will ignore him. Some will hate him. This is all part of God’s plan.

Text: Luke 2:25-32

I is for Inn
by Ray Pritchard