
When God Comes Near: “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”
by Ray Pritchard

“On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is […]

Text: John 7:37-39
Sermon Series: The Apostles’ Creed

The Up and Coming Christ: “He Will Come Again to Judge the Living and the Dead”
by Ray Pritchard

You never know where you will find spiritual truth. A few days ago I received a letter from Mary Jo […]

Text: John 14:1-3; II Peter 3:3-10
Sermon Series: The Apostles’ Creed

Back to Basics
by Ray Pritchard

Each year at Calvary we choose a theme and a theme verse that serve as our ministry focus. We started […]

Text: John 7:16-17
Sermon Series: The Apostles’ Creed

Why Are You Weeping?
by Ray Pritchard

The story of Mary Magdalene meeting Jesus at the empty tomb is found only in John’s gospel. I think Mary […]

Text: John 20:11-18
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

The Third Law: What God Demands, He Supplies
by Ray Pritchard

In this sermon series we’re looking at the basic laws of the spiritual life that apply to all Christians everywhere. […]

Sermon Series: Seven Laws of the Spiritual Life

The Comeback Kid: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Personal Failure
by Ray Pritchard

Have you ever done something or said something that disappointed someone you loved? I suppose all of us, if we […]

Text: John 21
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Woman Caught in the Act: Christ Speaks to the Problem of a Judgmental Spirit
by Ray Pritchard

If people knew us better than they do, they would condemn us even more than they do.

Text: John 8:1-11
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Apostle Who Would Not Believe: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Broken Dreams
by Ray Pritchard

There is no doubt like the doubt of a broken heart.

Text: John 20:24-29
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Dubious Disciples: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Limited Faith
by Ray Pritchard

Most of us are quick to see what we can’t do and quick to talk about what we don’t have.

Text: Mark 6:32-44
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Father of a Dying Son
by Ray Pritchard

If desperate circumstances bring us to Jesus, then those circumstances are a gift from God.

Text: John 4:46-54
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems