
Paid in Full
by Ray Pritchard

Here is the gospel truth. Jesus died. God is satisfied. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” he meant it. Will you believe it?

Text: John 19:30
Sermon Series: What a Christian Believes

Dirty Feet
by Ray Pritchard

We are not imaginary sinners! We are great sinners who need a great Savior. And we have one in Jesus Christ who stooped so low that he was not ashamed to wash our dirty feet.

Text: John 13:6-10
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

What Christ Does With Failure
by Ray Pritchard

John 21 is in the Bible so that all of us Peter-types would know that though we fall again and again, by God’s grace we can keep
on getting back up. If he did it for Peter, he can do it for me and for you.

Text: John 21
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

Before the Rooster Crows
by Ray Pritchard

Peter’s fall proves that anyone can fall at any time so we should be warned. His restoration proves that God’s grace truly is greater than all our sin. Therefore, let sinners everywhere flee to Christ for forgiveness.

Text: John 18:25-27
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

What is the Difference Between a Real Christian and a Religious Person?
by Ray Pritchard

Being religious is not the same as being a real Christian. Jesus said even the best among us must be born again. A religious person has religion; a Christian has been born again through personal faith in Jesus Christ. It’ as simple as that. Religion is good but Jesus is better.

Text: John 3
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

Up with Worship!
by Ray Pritchard

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!” “Worship is the submission […]


Caiaphas: Close But Not Close Enough
by Ray Pritchard

In our zeal to serve God, we may actually end up opposing him.

Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

The First Christmas Miracle
by Ray Pritchard

“If I had not come” (John 15:22). “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of […]

Text: John 15:22; Galatians 4:4
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

Will we have the courage to believe an unpopular doctrine?

Text: John 14:6
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

The Wind Blows Wherever It Wills
by Ray Pritchard

The Holy Spirit brings us continually into a deeper, more profound experience of who God is. He brings more of God to us as we bring more of us to him.

Text: John 3:8
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit