
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
by Ray Pritchard

The sovereignty of God is a mysterious doctrine because it brings us face to face with the problem of evil and free will. If God is sovereign, why is there evil in the universe? If man has free will, how can God be sovereign? Christians have debated these questions for centuries. Suffice it to say that God is sovereign and you are truly responsible for all the choices you make. Often we won’t understand how they work together, but they do. When we embrace this truth, we have the true freedom—and peace that comes with it—to stop trying to be God and let Him direct our lives.

Text: Daniel 4
Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

Holy, Holy, Holy
by Ray Pritchard

Before we can understand what it means to be holy, we must understand what it means to say that God is holy. In many ways holiness is God’s central attribute. One writer actually defines it this way. “Holiness is that which makes God God.” Dr. Renald Showers calls it “the foundational truth of revelation.”

Text: Isaiah 6
Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

God in Three Persons: A Doctrine We Barely Understand
by Ray Pritchard

My problem this morning is simple: to explain a doctrine that all Christians believe but no one really understands. And […]

Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

Why Are We Here? The First Question of the Catechism
by Ray Pritchard

As this is the first Sunday of a new year, it is an appropriate moment to begin a new sermon […]

Text: Jeremiah 24:7; John 17:3; Ephesians 1:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:8
Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

What Child is This?
by Ray Pritchard

One of the many important decisions confronting new parents is, “What shall we call our baby?” Most new parents spend […]

Text: Isaiah 9:6
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

The 53rd Sunday
by Ray Pritchard

This morning I am interrupting my series in 1 Thessalonians to preach two sermons on the subject of Christian giving. […]

Text: 1 Chronicles 28-29
Sermon Series: Christian Giving

Passing the Baton
by Ray Pritchard

Have you ever seen Jesus with the eyes of faith? Behold the Son of God. Fix your eyes upon him. Gaze upon his beauty. As the song says, “Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.” Those who look to him will never be disappointed and like Abraham of old, they will rejoice and be glad forever.

Text: Genesis 25
Sermon Series: Adventures with Abraham (Genesis 12-25)

Bestseller and More: Why I Believe in the Bible
by Ray Pritchard

Thank God for the Bible because without it, we would never know about Jesus. And without Jesus, we could never be saved. But the Bible is true and it is the Word of God.

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

Dreams, Visions and Supernatural Signs
by Ray Pritchard

Whenever dreams, visions and supernatural signs are discussed, three questions immediately come to mind. Number one, are such things really […]

Text: Numbers 12:6-8
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

How to Make a Tough Decision
by Ray Pritchard

In making a tough decision there comes a time when we must take a step of faith and leave the results in the hands of the Lord.

Text: Proverbs 3:5-6
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

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