
A Pattern for Prayer
by Brian Bill

God wants us to pray so we’ll grow to know Him better.

Text: Ephesians 1:15-23
Sermon Series: Back to the Basics

Why You Need Your Enemies and Your Enemies Need You—Part One
by Ray Pritchard

Our sovereign God allows enemies to enter our lives for our ultimate good. They are often people we are close to; family, people at work, or even in our church. God’s message to us is to love, bless, and pray for them. In doing this, He will bless us. We cannot be set free until we set them free to be blessed by the Lord.

Text: Jeremiah 29:7
Sermon Series: Survivor Babylon (Jeremiah 29)

How to Walk by the Holy Spirit
by Brian Bill

To walk by the Spirit, we must keep in step with the Spirit.  

Text: Galatians 5:16-25
Sermon Series: Our Holy Helper

Inside the Pearly Gates: What Will We Do in Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

No one will ever be sorry they ended up in heaven.

Text: Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon Series: Final Questions: A Biblical View of Life After Death

Worthy is the Lamb
by Ray Pritchard

The glory of heaven is Jesus!

Text: Revelation 5
Sermon Series: The Deeper Meaning of the Cross

The Worship Imperatives
by Brian Bill

Have you ever tried to do a tug-of-war with God?  How’d that work out for you?  We’ve seen how David […]

Text: Psalm 96
Sermon Series: Praying Through the Psalms

How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?
by Ray Pritchard

If we live another day without the Holy Spirit’s control in our lives, we have only ourselves to blame. God has made himself fully available to us. Have we made ourselves fully available to him?

Text: Ephesians 5:18
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit

Bring Us the Book!
by Ray Pritchard

We need to rediscover the Bible in our generation.

Text: Nehemiah 8:1-12

The Misunderstood Messiah
by Ray Pritchard

You can be wrong about many things and still go to heaven.
But you can’t be wrong about Jesus and go to heaven.

Text: Isaiah 53:1-3
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Shocking Servant
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus’ shocking death has sprinkled the nations with blood that will wash away every sin.

Text: Isaiah 52:13-15
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53
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