
Do You Know Why You Were Born?
by Ray Pritchard

God accomplishes his purposes for us even when we are clueless about the big picture.

Text: Genesis 37
Sermon Series: Nine Crucial Questions (Life of Joseph)

The Pastor’s Reward
by Ray Pritchard

Only two things in this world are eternal—the Word of God and people. It only makes sense to build your life around those things that will last forever.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Praying for Your Prodigal
by Ray Pritchard

When you pray for a loved one who seems hardened against the Lord, pray that the eyes of their heart might be opened so that the light of God can come flooding in. And if that seems hopeless, at least it puts the hopeless case at God’s doorstep, which is where it belongs.

Text: Ephesians 1:18
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

What Does It Mean to Believe the Bible? Part 1
by Ray Pritchard

Will we believe the Bible, all of it, every word of it, from first to last, and everything in between?

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
Sermon Series: Living in the Last Days (1 Thessalonians)

He’s In Charge . . . So Relax!
by Ray Pritchard

When you focus on God, he takes responsibility for the details of your life.

Text: Genesis 24
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?
by Ray Pritchard

We pray because everything depends on God and not on us.

Text: Matthew 6:8
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

The Church Christ Prefers
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus wants his churches to be motivated by love, founded on the truth, strong under pressure, and unashamed of his name.

Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Sermon Series: Email from Jesus (Revelation 2-3)

When Life Goes Bad
by Ray Pritchard

To those who stand strong in the midst of trials, the best is yet to come. We will receive the “crown of life” and reign with Jesus forever. The “second death” in hell cannot touch us at all.

Text: Revelation 2:8-11
Sermon Series: Email from Jesus (Revelation 2-3)

Love Means Telling the Truth
by Ray Pritchard

God intends for the church to become a body of committed, loving truth-tellers. Easy to say, hard to

Text: 2 Corinthians 7:8-13
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)

A Desperate Man’s Desperate Prayer
by Ray Pritchard

God will do whatever it takes to bring us to the place where we remember him. He’ll stop at nothing. Whatever it takes to get us on our knees is good for our spiritual growth.

Text: Jonah 2
Sermon Series: Outrageous Grace

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