
How to Meet the Enemy
by Ray Pritchard

No believer is safe who faces Satan in his own strength. No believer is more secure than he who goes into battle wearing the whole armor of God.

Text: Ephesians 6:14-17
Sermon Series: Soul Food: Ephesians for the 21st-Century

Who is the Real Enemy?
by Ray Pritchard

Christianity is not a religion for sissies or for those who want an easy road. If you are looking for an escape from your problems, Jesus is not for you. Christianity is for strong men and women who will not flee from the struggle.

Text: Ephesians 6:12
Sermon Series: Soul Food: Ephesians for the 21st-Century

Why God Allows Good Men to Fall
by Ray Pritchard

Peter still speaks to us today. “If you think you’ve fallen short, if you feel like you’ve denied him, look at what happened to me.”

Text: Luke 22:31-33
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

How Good Christians Sometimes Do the Devil’s Work
by Ray Pritchard

As it was for Peter, so it will be for all of us. Our strengths and our weaknesses lie side by side. If we live on the level of our emotions, we may find ourselves actually opposing Jesus. If we think that our understanding equals God’s will, we are bound to fall into many grievous errors.

Text: Matthew 16:21-23
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

Why I Am Not a Pessimist
by Ray Pritchard

Christians are both pessimists and optimists, but we are much more optimistic because though we see what is happening in the
world around us, we know that Jesus Christ conquered the grave. And because he lives, we too will live.

Text: Ephesians 5:15-17
Sermon Series: Soul Food: Ephesians for the 21st-Century

The Next Hero
by Ray Pritchard

Hebrews 11 is God’s “Perpetual Plaque” of those who lived by faith. And if you look closely, you can see there is plenty of room for more names. There’s room for you and there’s room for me.

Text: Hebrews 11:39-40
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

How God’s Will Can Mess Up Your Life in a Good Way
by Ray Pritchard

God’s will is always good, but it’s not always comfortable. And it’s certainly not predictable. What if God blew your categories and gave you success beyond your wildest dreams? What if he let you fail miserably so he could give you overwhelming success later?

Text: Luke 5:1-11
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

Miracles Come in Many Varieties
by Ray Pritchard

I cannot promise you an easy road if you decide to follow Jesus Christ. But I can promise you this. You will be blessed and you
won’t be sorry. And in the end, you will discover that the life of faith is full of adventure, and you will be glad you weren’t a couch
potato but dared to make a difference in the world.

Text: Hebrews 11:33-38
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Four Cracked Pots
by Ray Pritchard

God honors faith, and he seeks it so much that he will honor people who otherwise do some very stupid things. He uses flawed people to accomplish his will so that when the victory comes, he alone gets the glory.

Text: Hebrews 11:32
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

From Rahab to Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

God delights in saving notorious sinners. He proved it by saving Rahab, a prostitute in ancient Jericho whose faith saved her whole family. There is no pit so deep that the love of God is not deeper still. There is no sin so terrible that Jesus cannot forgive it.

Text: Hebrews 11:31
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

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