
United We Grow
by Brian Bill

We all win when we walk as one.

Text: Ephesians 4:1-6
Sermon Series: Back to the Basics

Why You Need Your Enemies and Your Enemies Need You—Part One
by Ray Pritchard

Our sovereign God allows enemies to enter our lives for our ultimate good. They are often people we are close to; family, people at work, or even in our church. God’s message to us is to love, bless, and pray for them. In doing this, He will bless us. We cannot be set free until we set them free to be blessed by the Lord.

Text: Jeremiah 29:7
Sermon Series: Survivor Babylon (Jeremiah 29)

Inside the Pearly Gates: What Will We Do in Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

No one will ever be sorry they ended up in heaven.

Text: Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon Series: Final Questions: A Biblical View of Life After Death

Accept One Another
by Brian Bill

It’s not our job to change other people; instead, we’re called to accept those who are wired differently than we are.

Text: Romans 14:1-15:7
Sermon Series: One Another

Be United With One Another
by Brian Bill

Unity among His followers was so important to Jesus that He prayed you and I would be one. When the church is united, the world will stand up and take notice.

Text: John 17:11, 20-23
Sermon Series: One Another

A Community in Unity
by Brian Bill

We win when we’re all in.

Text: Acts 4:32-37
Sermon Series: On Mission

Fresh Graves in the Churchyard
by Ray Pritchard

You can’t fool God so don’t even try.

Text: Acts 5:1-11
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Can You Trust God With the Details of Your Life?
by Ray Pritchard

The question is not "Can you?” but "Will you?”

Text: Genesis 50:20
Sermon Series: Nine Crucial Questions (Life of Joseph)

The Pastor’s Reward
by Ray Pritchard

Only two things in this world are eternal—the Word of God and people. It only makes sense to build your life around those things that will last forever.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

The Boys of Bethlehem
by Ray Pritchard

Through your tears, lift up your eyes and look again to Bethlehem. That sleeping child will rise to battle and no one will stand against him.

Text: Matthew 2:13-23
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages
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