
Where Are the Nine?
by Ray Pritchard

Take time to say “Thank you, O Lord!” as you count your blessings this week.

Text: Luke 17:11-19
Sermon Series: Christian Giving

Where is Jesus When We Need Him?
by Ray Pritchard

Earlier this week I took a bike ride along the Natchez Trace. Exiting at Friendship Road, I rode a mile […]

Text: Luke 24
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

The First Christmas Miracle
by Ray Pritchard

“If I had not come” (John 15:22). “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of […]

Text: John 15:22; Galatians 4:4
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Who is That Baby?
by Ray Pritchard

We live in a day when Christmas has become a controversial holiday. If you doubt that statement, just try putting […]

Text: Hebrews 1:1-3
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Good, Pleasing, Perfect
by Ray Pritchard

Moral compromise often begins with a tiny step in the wrong direction. This was the case with Lot, who was unmoved and apathetic to the moral decay around him. It may sound extreme, but the Lord has nothing to say to a compromising believer. You can have Sodom or you can have the Lord, but you can’t have them both. If you live for God, you will demonstrate to yourself and those who know you that that God’s way is always good, pleasing and ultimately perfect.

Text: Romans 12:2
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

Sinners in the Hands of a Merciful God
by Ray Pritchard

If you go to hell, you will have only yourself to blame.

Text: Romans 11:30-32
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Does Israel Have a Future?
by Ray Pritchard

This sermon argues that the term “Israel” in Romans 11 always refers to ethnic Israel and that Paul foresees a day when Israel as a nation will come to Christ for salvation. Events in the Middle East remind us that Jesus Christ may come back sooner than we think.

Text: Romans 11:25-26
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

No Place for Pride
by Ray Pritchard

Tell them, Pastor Ray, tell them that nothing matters except Christ. The young people need to know this before it’s […]

Text: Romans 11:17-24
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Has God Lost the Battle?
by Ray Pritchard

No matter how hopeless the situation looks, God has not lost the battle. In the end we’re going to come out on the winning side.

Text: Romans 11:1-10
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

How Shall They Hear?
by Ray Pritchard

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

Text: Romans 10:14-21
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)
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