
Why I Believe in God
by Ray Pritchard

I believe in God because nothing in the universe makes sense without him. After all the arguments on both sides are finished, you still have to decide for yourself. You still have to choose. What choice have you made?

Text: Genesis 1:1
Sermon Series: What a Christian Believes

How to Kill a Giant
by Ray Pritchard

If you are in the will of God, the giants who fight you are actually fighting God. That’s why God sends giants in our path on a regular basis: First, to see if we will run or fight. Second, to allow us an opportunity to honor our God.

Text: 1 Samuel 17

Miracles Come in Many Varieties
by Ray Pritchard

I cannot promise you an easy road if you decide to follow Jesus Christ. But I can promise you this. You will be blessed and you
won’t be sorry. And in the end, you will discover that the life of faith is full of adventure, and you will be glad you weren’t a couch
potato but dared to make a difference in the world.

Text: Hebrews 11:33-38
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Four Cracked Pots
by Ray Pritchard

God honors faith, and he seeks it so much that he will honor people who otherwise do some very stupid things. He uses flawed people to accomplish his will so that when the victory comes, he alone gets the glory.

Text: Hebrews 11:32
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

How Faith Works
by Ray Pritchard

The life of faith is inherently a life of risk. It is not for those timid souls who want to play it safe all the time. As long as we limit God to what we think he can do, we will never see anything great because our faith remains so small. But once we are willing to suspend our disbelief and renounce our skepticism, then and only then do we become candidates for a miracle.

Text: Luke 7:1-10
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

by Ray Pritchard

What is it that you are waiting for from the Lord? What are you hoping for that you do not yet have? While you are waiting, don’t let go of that little word “yet.” It’s the difference between hope and despair because God is not finished yet.

Sermon Series: New Year’s Day Messages

Born of a Virgin
by Ray Pritchard

Christmas is an amazing time of year. Yesterday I ran across a statement that sums it up: “Isn’t it amazing […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Why Jericho Fell
by Ray Pritchard

Hebrews 11:30 says that “by faith” the walls of Jericho fell. But what kind of faith brings down the walls of impossibility? This message points out five characteristics of the faith God honors when we face long odds and the only way forward doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Text: Hebrews 11:30
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Final Difference Between the Church and the World
by Ray Pritchard

At the Red Sea, the Hebrews were delivered while the Egyptians were destroyed. From this we learn that the church and the world have two different destinations. This is the final difference between them.

Text: Hebrews 11:29
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

What Is Your Isaac?
by Ray Pritchard

From the story of Abraham offering Isaac, we learn that God calls us to yield our dearest treasures to him. Anything good can become an idol when it becomes too important to us. What is your Isaac? Are you willing to lay it down for Jesus’ sake?

Text: Hebrews 11:17-19
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

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