
Where Are the Nine?
by Ray Pritchard

Take time to say “Thank you, O Lord!” as you count your blessings this week.

Text: Luke 17:11-19
Sermon Series: Christian Giving

Letter From a Friend
by Ray Pritchard

To understand forgiveness, consider Jesus on the cross. In his dying moments He uttered words that still ring across the centuries: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Even as he said those words, the crowd laughed, mocked, cheered, jeered. They taunted him. When he died, the people who put him to death were quite pleased with themselves. No one seemed very sorry. No one said, “I was wrong. This is a mistake.” And yet he said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” That is precisely what we must say if we are going to follow Jesus.

Text: Romans 15
Sermon Series: Total Forgiveness

Do Not Neglect Your Spiritual Gift
by Ray Pritchard

Is ministry your Spiritual Gift? No man calls himself into the ministry or into local church leadership. A self-called man and a God-called man are two different people. One man thinks he’s qualified so he calls himself. The other man feels unworthy but responds to God’s call. If God has called you, rise up, go forth and serve the Lord.

Text: 1 Timothy 4:14
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

The Agape Factor: 12 Ways to Love
by Ray Pritchard

There is an amazing scene at the end of the 1996 movie Marvin’s Room. Bessie, played by Diane Keaton, has […]

Text: Romans 12:9-16
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

God’s Altar Call
by Ray Pritchard

The only reasonable thing to do is to offer your body to God.

Text: Romans 12:1
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

Does Israel Have a Future?
by Ray Pritchard

This sermon argues that the term “Israel” in Romans 11 always refers to ethnic Israel and that Paul foresees a day when Israel as a nation will come to Christ for salvation. Events in the Middle East remind us that Jesus Christ may come back sooner than we think.

Text: Romans 11:25-26
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

No Place for Pride
by Ray Pritchard

Tell them, Pastor Ray, tell them that nothing matters except Christ. The young people need to know this before it’s […]

Text: Romans 11:17-24
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Straight Talk About Predestination
by Ray Pritchard

In the history of the Christian church, few doctrines have been so hotly debated as the doctrine of predestination. Since predestination is a biblical concept, we must face this doctrine squarely whether we like it or not. It’s in the Bible, therefore we must first seek to understand it and then to ask what difference it makes.

Text: Romans 9:19-29
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Lessons Learned Along the Way
by Ray Pritchard

Shortly before Christmas Dr. David Olford called and asked if I would consider speaking in early January at an evening […]

Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Who Do Men Say That I Am?
by Ray Pritchard

If you ever travel to the Holy Land, one of the places you may visit is an Arab town called […]

Text: Matthew 16:13-17
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

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