Joseph proves you can come from a crazy, mixed-up family and do amazing things for the Lord.
Text: Genesis 37:1-2You can’t erase a guilty conscience.
Text: Genesis 42-43Jesus is on the side of those who love little children.
Text: Matthew 18:1-6; 19:13-15You’ve got a Nineveh in your life right now. Your Nineveh might be someone you love whose behavior has provoked you to the point of anger and bitterness. Nineveh ultimately stands for any part of the will of God that you are afraid to face.
Text: Jonah 4I am Barabbas. Every man is. Murderer, thief, criminal, insurrectionist, lawbreaker, rioter. Justly imprisoned, rightly condemned, freed from punishment by a substitute who died in my place.
Text: Matthew 27:15-26What must I do to go to hell? Here is the shocking answer: Nothing, nothing at all. If you do nothing about your soul, hell is where you will go.
Text: Luke 16:19-31Death will not have the last word for Jesus has conquered the grave. Because he rose, we too shall rise.
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-5It doesn’t take deep faith or total understanding in order to be transformed. All it takes is faith that believes the words of Jesus even when you aren’t sure of anything else.
Text: John 9You can have the fading glory of the law and all you’ll get for it is death and condemnation. Or you can come to Christ and you will have the unfading glory of life and righteousness forever.
Text: 2 Corinthians 3:7-11Christians must reassert the supernatural basis of the Christian faith. We must not stutter where God has spoken clearly. And we
must make clear the utterly exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.