
Watching Our Words
by Brian Bill

What comes out of our mouths can either energize someone or wipe them out. As we utilize words of life, we’ll build one another up instead of tearing each other down.

Text: Proverbs 6:1-5; 10:19-20; 12:6; 16:21, 24; 17:28; 18:21
Sermon Series: Wise Words to Live By

Six Ways to Jumpstart Your Spiritual Life
by Ray Pritchard

Every blessing awaits those who will humble themselves before the Lord.

Text: James 4:6-10
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Engage in Groups
by Brian Bill

Spiritual growth is a group project.

Text: Galatians 6:1-5
Sermon Series: Engage

Seeing Clearly
by Brian Bill

I love hearing how people come to Christ, don’t you?  Here’s the main point of our passage today: The message […]

Text: Mark 8:22-26
Sermon Series: Gospel of Mark: Servant and Savior

Where Bad Stuff Comes From
by Brian Bill

Haddon Robinson, who arguably has written the best book on preaching called, Biblical Preaching, once told a group of young […]

Text: Mark 7:14-23
Sermon Series: Gospel of Mark: Servant and Savior

Don’t Brag About Your Faith. Live it!
by Ray Pritchard

Get your faith in gear so no matter what happens today or tomorrow, you’ll be ready to stand up for Jesus.

Text: James 2:14-17
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Three Signs Your Religion is Real
by Ray Pritchard

The religion God approves impacts your conversation, your compassion, and your character.

Text: James 1:26-27
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Four Steps to Better Bible Listening
by Ray Pritchard

You don’t have to know Greek or Hebrew to understand the Bible, but you do need a willing heart.

Text: James 1:21-25
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Listen More, Talk Less, Calm Down
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus didn’t come to make us nicer people. He came to make us new people.

Text: James 1:19-20
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Praying for a New Perspective
by Brian Bill

God is king and worthy of our praise!  How great is our God!  Our order of service will be different […]

Text: Psalm 8
Sermon Series: Praying Through the Psalms

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