
God’s Freedom
by Ray Pritchard

Our basic problem is that we have allowed God to be everywhere but on his throne. No wonder we are unhappy and frustrated and unfulfilled. Let God be God and all will be well.

Text: Romans 9:6-18
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Lessons Learned Along the Way
by Ray Pritchard

Shortly before Christmas Dr. David Olford called and asked if I would consider speaking in early January at an evening […]

Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Singing Your Way to Victory
by Ray Pritchard

“I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift of God. Music drives away the […]

Text: 2 Chronicles 20
Sermon Series: Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare

Chariots of Fire
by Ray Pritchard

Nothing of God dies when a man of God dies.

Text: 2 Kings 2

Our Coming to You Was Not in Vain
by Ray Pritchard

When one pastor leaves and another one comes, we learn again that God’s work depends on God, not on God’s messengers. Build your life on God’s Word, not on the man who delivers it.

Text: I Thessalonians 2:1
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

The Wind Blows Wherever It Wills
by Ray Pritchard

The Holy Spirit brings us continually into a deeper, more profound experience of who God is. He brings more of God to us as we bring more of us to him.

Text: John 3:8
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit

Fear Factor
by Ray Pritchard

For the past few months I’ve been preaching a series of sermons from I Peter. We’re taking a break from […]

Text: Acts 20:35
Sermon Series: The Treasure Principle

The Day Before the End of the World
by Ray Pritchard

If this be the day before the end of the world, let it be a day in which we say, “Not less for Jesus, but more.”

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11
Sermon Series: Strangers in a Strange Land (1 Peter)

Are You Prepared to Suffer for Christ?
by Ray Pritchard

Are you prepared to suffer for Christ? For most of us, the answer is no. For most of the Christians […]

Text: 1 Peter 3:13-17
Sermon Series: Strangers in a Strange Land (1 Peter)

A Question for Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

If Christ has really been born, why is the world so messed up? Why aren’t things better by now?

Text: Matthew 11:3
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages
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