
Nitty-Gritty Faith
by Ray Pritchard

It is a pleasure to salute our young people today. They are the future of this church. And it is […]

Text: Hebrews 11
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

You’ve Been Chosen to Clap and Cheer
by Ray Pritchard

How’s your E.Q.? We’re going to find out in just a few moments. But first, just a word about my […]

Text: Hebrews 10:24-25
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

Why God Dries Our Tears
by Ray Pritchard

The call came about 10:30 P.M.. Someone had died. Would I please call the family? Before I could pick up […]

Text: II Corinthians 1:3-7
Sermon Series: God of All Comfort

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