
Most Likely to Succeed
by Ray Pritchard

Samson is the perfect man for the 21st-century. He was the American Idol of the Old Testament, born with every advantage you could ask for. His story proves that a good beginning doesn’t guarantee a good end.

Text: Judges 13
Sermon Series: Samson, A Man for Our Times (Judges 13-16)

We Have Come to Shechem
by Ray Pritchard

A few miles north of Jerusalem the remains of an ancient city nestle between two mountains. To get there you […]

Text: Joshua 24; Hebrews 13
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

Nitty-Gritty Faith
by Ray Pritchard

It is a pleasure to salute our young people today. They are the future of this church. And it is […]

Text: Hebrews 11
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

What Jesus Would Say to Jim Bakker
by Ray Pritchard

When the history of this turbulent decade is finally written, no doubt a large chapter will be reserved for the […]

Text: Luke 16:1-13
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

The Salt and Light Brigade
by Ray Pritchard

The year was 1970, the tail end of the wild period of modern American history. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, the […]

Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

You’ve Been Chosen to Clap and Cheer
by Ray Pritchard

How’s your E.Q.? We’re going to find out in just a few moments. But first, just a word about my […]

Text: Hebrews 10:24-25
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated World
by Ray Pritchard

Art Linkletter was right. Kids do say the darndest things. The other night this scene unfolded at our house. It […]

Text: Ephesians 6:4
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
by Ray Pritchard

Perhaps the place to begin this morning is with the simple confession that I did not want to preach this […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Critical Issues

Four Ways You Can Serve the Lord
by Ray Pritchard

This week I attended a fascinating seminar entitled “How to Handle Criticism, Conflict and Difficult People in the Church.” Somebody […]

Text: I Thessalonians 5:14
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail
by Ray Pritchard

This is the third in a series of four messages on what Jesus had to say about the church. I […]

Text: Matthew 16:18
Sermon Series: I Will Build My Church (Matthew 16:13-19)

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