
Don’t Bet On It: Gambling And The Christian Faith
by Ray Pritchard

“Gambling is inevitable.” So began the introduction to the final report of the Commission on the Review of National Policy […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues

Before The Rooster Crows
by Ray Pritchard

There are some sounds that we do not hear very often. One of them is the sound of a rooster […]

Text: John 18:25-27
Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

The Sensitivity of Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

This is how Luke tells the story: As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a […]

Text: Luke 8:42-48
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

How to Be a Great Lover
by Ray Pritchard

My text today is one of the great short stories of the Bible. Somebody like Steven Bochco could turn this […]

Text: Luke 7:36-50
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

Mary: Believing the Impossible
by Ray Pritchard

“Nothing is impossible with God.” That’s as true today as it was 2000 years ago.

Text: Luke 1:26-38
Sermon Series: Christmas Personalities

by Ray Pritchard

Today we are beginning a three-week sermon series around the general theme—Investing in the Kingdom. The series begins today, continues […]

Text: LUKE 19:11-27
Sermon Series: Christian Giving

Confessions of a Xenophiliac
by Ray Pritchard

They say that true confession is good for the soul, and in that spirit, I want to begin my sermon […]

Text: I Peter 4:9-10
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

The Barnabas Factor
by Ray Pritchard

If someone were to give you a name indicative of your personality, what would it be? What nickname or adjective […]

Text: Romans 12:8
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
by Ray Pritchard

Unless we deal with our problems they will come back to haunt us again and again and again. Because Samson never faced his inner problems, in the end they destroyed him.

Text: Judges 16:1-22
Sermon Series: Samson, A Man for Our Times (Judges 13-16)

You’ve Been Chosen to Clap and Cheer
by Ray Pritchard

How’s your E.Q.? We’re going to find out in just a few moments. But first, just a word about my […]

Text: Hebrews 10:24-25
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

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