“I found my cross. Have you found yours?”
Text: Luke 23:26I am Barabbas. Every man is. Murderer, thief, criminal, insurrectionist, lawbreaker, rioter. Justly imprisoned, rightly condemned, freed from punishment by a substitute who died in my place.
Text: Matthew 27:15-26Let’s lift up Jesus as the only hope of the world. And let’s invite the rebels on the other side to put down their weapons and join us in the great celebration of God’s Son, the Anointed One, Our coming King–Jesus Christ!
Text: Psalm 2Today as yesterday and tomorrow as today, Jesus is the answer to the deepest questions of life.
Text: Revelation 1:5Here’s the whole Bible presented as a drama in six acts, starting with creation and ending with the Second Coming of Christ.
Sermon Series: Standalone MessagesYou find out what you really believe when others mistreat you. Sometimes the real test of your faith is what you don’t do.
Text: Matthew 5:11It doesn’t take deep faith or total understanding in order to be transformed. All it takes is faith that believes the words of Jesus even when you aren’t sure of anything else.
Text: John 9When others twist your words, do not despair. Speak the truth, explain yourself clearly, and then entrust your future to the Lord. If we trust in him, the time of chaos will pass, and we will be stronger for having gone through the struggle.
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4Praying “Your will be done” is an act of God-ordained rebellion. This is not a prayer for the weak or the timid. This is a prayer for troublemakers and rabblerousers.
Text: Matthew 6:10“Your kingdom come” is not a passive prayer. If you ever decide to make the kingdom of God the first priority in your life, you may not become a missionary, but you will become fundamentally different from the world around you.
Text: Matthew 6:10