Don’t waste your pain. Use it to grow closer to the Lord and to his people. Use it as a means to minister to others. Our personal ministry begins as we share with others what God has shared with us.
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11This petition reminds us of how weak we really are. We are sitting ducks for the flaming darts of the devil. Unless the Lord helps us, we will not only face temptation, we will succumb to it every single time.
Text: Matthew 6:13“And lead us not into temptation.” Matthew 6:13a Before we begin: What is the difference between temptation and testing? How […]
Text: Matthew 6:13Praying “Your will be done” is an act of God-ordained rebellion. This is not a prayer for the weak or the timid. This is a prayer for troublemakers and rabblerousers.
Text: Matthew 6:10We approach the Lord’s Prayer with humility, saying with the first disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Through prayer we journey from wherever we are on earth to the very heart of God.
Text: Matthew 6:9I believe in God because nothing in the universe makes sense without him. After all the arguments on both sides are finished, you still have to decide for yourself. You still have to choose. What choice have you made?
Text: Genesis 1:1If we pray at all, sooner or later we will spend time paying for the sick. Our prayers matter to him. Our prayers matter to the sick. When we pray for the sick, we are bringing God’s mercy into the hospital room and inviting the Great Physician to take up the case.
Text: James 5:14-15Hebrews 11 is God’s “Perpetual Plaque” of those who lived by faith. And if you look closely, you can see there is plenty of room for more names. There’s room for you and there’s room for me.
Text: Hebrews 11:39-40The real impact of the gospel will be seen when we don’t feel joyful, when we don’t want to pray, and when we can’t think of a reason to be thankful. That’s when we discover if our Christianity is the genuine article or a spiritual counterfeit.
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18Our problems with the sovereignty of God start when sovereignty becomes personal. We will never understand this doctrine until we remember that we live in a fallen, that evil is personal, that we must start with God, and that God has bought us with the blood of his Son.
Text: Psalm 103:19-22