
Seed of the Woman
by Ray Pritchard

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your […]

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Shall We Kill Our Children Today?
by Ray Pritchard

The amazing faith of Moses’ parents shows us the high value that God puts on children, including those children that are born in less than ideal circumstances. Christians love children because God loves children. Ours is true pro-family religion.

Text: Hebrews 11:23
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

What Is Your Isaac?
by Ray Pritchard

From the story of Abraham offering Isaac, we learn that God calls us to yield our dearest treasures to him. Anything good can become an idol when it becomes too important to us. What is your Isaac? Are you willing to lay it down for Jesus’ sake?

Text: Hebrews 11:17-19
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Why We Keep Believing
by Ray Pritchard

Because Christians are aliens and strangers on earth, we are destined to live and die feeling slightly (and maybe more than slightly) out of place. But we will not quit, give up or go back because our home is in heaven. We have expectations of something much better than anything the world has to offer.

Text: Hebrews 11:13-16
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Incredible Journey
by Ray Pritchard

Our focus in this message is on the man we often call “Father Abraham.” Hebrews 11:8-10 tells how he obeyed God’s call at great personal sacrifice. It tells us what he did; more importantly, it tells us why he did it. And it clearly shows us that obeying God doesn’t always work out the way we think it will.

Text: Hebrews 11:8-10
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

It’s the Faith, Brother
by Ray Pritchard

There are those who have faith and those who don’t. And if you don’t have faith, you cannot please God. True faith, faith that rests on God and his Word and believes all that he has said, true faith sees the unseen and say, “Yes, it is true.”

Text: Hebrews 11:3-7
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

By Faith
by Ray Pritchard

Faith is the law of the kingdom. It is “belief plus unbelief and acting on the belief part.” Every blessing of the kingdom is available to those who put their faith to work by “acting on the belief part,” moment by moment, day by day, one little step at a time.

Text: Hebrews 11:1-2
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Why God Chooses Splendid Sinners and Lovable Losers
by Ray Pritchard

When God chooses people for his family, he picks those the world considers losers. This means that imperfect people make excellent candidates for the grace of God. Since we are all imperfect, when we boast, let us boast only in the Lord.

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt?
by Ray Pritchard

This is a sermon about a topic we rarely discuss in church. This is a sermon about doubt. As such, […]

Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Arrows From Heaven
by Ray Pritchard

Ray: Here’s a scene from our house, circa 1989. It was 10 P.M. and Joshua and Mark had just returned […]

Sermon Series: Couples Conference 2007

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