
Mary: Believing the Impossible
by Ray Pritchard

“Nothing is impossible with God.” That’s as true today as it was 2000 years ago.

Text: Luke 1:26-38
Sermon Series: Christmas Personalities

The Barnabas Factor
by Ray Pritchard

If someone were to give you a name indicative of your personality, what would it be? What nickname or adjective […]

Text: Romans 12:8
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

How to Spot Counterfeit Christianity
by Ray Pritchard

I’d like to begin by quoting from an article published in 1988 in Celebrity magazine. The article is entitled, “The […]

Text: I Corinthians 12:10
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

What Moves Your Mountain?
by Ray Pritchard

God is looking for some men and women who will dare to live by faith.

Text: Romans 12:8: I Corinthians 12:9
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

Martha’s Vineyard
by Ray Pritchard

I first met Bill Petch twelve years ago this summer. I was fresh out of seminary and starting my first […]

Text: I Corinthians 12:28; Romans 12:7
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

My Favorite Teacher
by Ray Pritchard

It’s not hard for me to remember my favorite teacher. I first met her on a bright September morning in […]

Text: Romans 12:7; I Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts
by Ray Pritchard

The name Peter Drucker will be familiar to you if you are a student of business or economics. To put […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

The Comeback Kid
by Ray Pritchard

In his final moments Samson returned to God and accomplished his greatest victory. If you have failed and failed again, take heart. This story is for you.

Text: Judges 16:23-31
Sermon Series: Samson, A Man for Our Times (Judges 13-16)

Make No Small Plans
by Ray Pritchard

Before we moved to Oak Park last August, someone gave us a copy of the Chicago Magazine’s Guide to Chicago. […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: State of the Church Sermons

Out of Control
by Ray Pritchard

Samson’s story proves that smart people can do some very stupid things. Because he never appreciated his spiritual heritage, he was quick to throw it away.

Text: Judges 14
Sermon Series: Samson, A Man for Our Times (Judges 13-16)

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