
The Hero Rises
by Ray Pritchard

Joseph proves you can come from a crazy, mixed-up family and do amazing things for the Lord.

Text: Genesis 37:1-2
Sermon Series: Nine Crucial Questions (Life of Joseph)

Why You Need Your Enemies and Your Enemies Need You—Part One
by Ray Pritchard

Our sovereign God allows enemies to enter our lives for our ultimate good. They are often people we are close to; family, people at work, or even in our church. God’s message to us is to love, bless, and pray for them. In doing this, He will bless us. We cannot be set free until we set them free to be blessed by the Lord.

Text: Jeremiah 29:7
Sermon Series: Survivor Babylon (Jeremiah 29)

Created on Purpose
by Brian Bill

God created us on purpose for His purposes.

Text: Genesis 1:28-31
Sermon Series: Back to the Beginning

Gender Matters
by Brian Bill

In God’s good design, He created everyone as male or female.

Text: Genesis 1:27

Keeping Your Vows
by Brian Bill

The practice of purity protects marriage.

Text: Exodus 20:14
Sermon Series: Written in Stone

Happily Ever After
by Ray Pritchard

No matter how difficult your journey has been, God has promised an eternally happy ending for his children.

Text: Ruth 4:13-22
Sermon Series: Unexpected Grace (Ruth)

God Writes the Last Chapter
by Ray Pritchard

Only God sees the big picture while we see life through a keyhole.

Text: Ruth 4:1-12
Sermon Series: Unexpected Grace (Ruth)

What to Look for in a Mate
by Brian Bill

If you’re going to get married, marry the strongest Christian you can find and be the strongest Christian you can be for your spouse.

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Sermon Series: Family Matters

Finding Security and Significance
by Brian Bill

Since we are selfish, we must learn how to serve our spouse.

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
Sermon Series: Family Matters

Marriage as it’s Meant to Be
by Brian Bill

Because marriage matters to God, we must do marriage His way.

Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Sermon Series: Family Matters
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