God intends for the church to become a body of committed, loving truth-tellers. Easy to say, hard to
You’ve got a Nineveh in your life right now. Your Nineveh might be someone you love whose behavior has provoked you to the point of anger and bitterness. Nineveh ultimately stands for any part of the will of God that you are afraid to face.
Text: Jonah 4When we have nothing, God gives us so much that we have plenty to share with others.
Text: Mark 6:37What must I do to go to hell? Here is the shocking answer: Nothing, nothing at all. If you do nothing about your soul, hell is where you will go.
Text: Luke 16:19-31God’s promises should cause us to praise Him.
Text: Romans 15:8-13Let’s lift up Jesus as the only hope of the world. And let’s invite the rebels on the other side to put down their weapons and join us in the great celebration of God’s Son, the Anointed One, Our coming King–Jesus Christ!
Text: Psalm 2“When we put our coming glory on the scales of eternity, the passing prosperity of the wicked amounts to nothing at all.”
Text: Psalm 73If God forgave David, he will certainly forgive you. If a murdering adulterer could find grace, there is hope for you and me.
Text: Psalm 51God bless those who love the children God loves.
Text: Psalm 127-128When you have had all you can take, when the world seems to collapse around you, stand up, lift your head, and shout to the skies: His love endures forever!
Text: Psalm 136