
The Goal of the Gospel
by Brian Bill

The goal of the gospel is that all nations might believe and obey Him.

Text: Romans 16:17-27
Sermon Series: In It Together

Praying With Power
by Brian Bill

God power is unleashed when we pray.

Text: Romans 15:30-33
Sermon Series: In It Together

Expect the Unexpected
by Brian Bill

God’s purposes prevail even when our plans don’t.

Text: Romans 15:22-29
Sermon Series: In It Together

Gospel Means Go
by Brian Bill

When we get the gospel we will go with the gospel.

Text: Romans 15:14-21
Sermon Series: In It Together

Saved to Sing
by Brian Bill

God’s promises should cause us to praise Him.

Text: Romans 15:8-13
Sermon Series: In It Together

United We Stand
by Brian Bill

There is a two-letter word in English that has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is […]

Text: Romans 15:1-7
Sermon Series: In It Together