
The Most Sought After Things in the World
by Ray Pritchard

A number of years ago a major American magazine published the results of a most fascinating survey. The editors had […]

Text: Romans 5:1-5
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

Four Women in Jesus’ Family Tree
by Ray Pritchard

You might call this text “The forgotten chapter of the Christmas story.” It is a genealogy—a list of names, most […]

Text: Matthew 1:1-16
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

From Jacob to Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

Our final study in the life of Jacob is different from all the rest. When we began, he was still […]

Text: Genesis 49:10; Luke 1:33
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

How a Good Man Dies
by Ray Pritchard

“Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning.” John […]

Text: Genesis 48-50
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

The School of Suffering
by Ray Pritchard

For me the most poignant scene of the recent presidential campaign took place last Monday night in Houston where George […]

Text: Genesis 34-37
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

Healing the Hurts of the Past
by Ray Pritchard

Which is more difficult? To forgive or to be forgiven? You could argue it either way. If you say it’s […]

Text: Genesis 32-33
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

The Breaking Point
by Ray Pritchard

In our study of the life of Jacob, we have come to a critical turning point. One might even call […]

Text: Genesis 32:22-32
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

God’s Catfish
by Ray Pritchard

In one of his books Chuck Swindoll tells the following story. It seems that in the northeastern United States, codfish […]

Text: Genesis 29-31
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

Hard Times in Haran
by Ray Pritchard

There are many ways in the English language to express the idea of retribution. For instance, we say, “Everything that […]

Text: Genesis 29
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

Jacob’s Ladder
by Ray Pritchard

A long journey, a hard pillow, a guilty conscience, a heavy heart. These are the things that make men dream. […]

Text: Genesis 28
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

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