
Breaking Down Walls
by Brian Bill

Because of our union with Christ, our differences are put to death so we can live in communion with one another.

Text: Ephesians 2:11-22
Sermon Series: Back to the Basics

Rightly Handling Truth
by Brian Bill

The main thing is to keep the gospel the main thing.

Text: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Sermon Series: Standing Firm

Building Bridges Not Barriers
by Brian Bill

[I’m grateful to Ray Pritchard for this idea].  Imagine you are a missionary arriving in the capital city of a […]

Text: Acts 17:16-34
Sermon Series: On Mission

How God Leads
by Brian Bill

Last Sunday, someone told me they saw me run a red light earlier in the week.  Apparently, he was driving […]

Text: Acts 15:36-16:10
Sermon Series: On Mission

Be United With One Another
by Brian Bill

Unity among His followers was so important to Jesus that He prayed you and I would be one. When the church is united, the world will stand up and take notice.

Text: John 17:11, 20-23
Sermon Series: One Another

Saved to Serve
by Brian Bill

God saves us so we will serve Him.

Text: Acts 9:19-31
Sermon Series: On Mission

A Community in Unity
by Brian Bill

We win when we’re all in.

Text: Acts 4:32-37
Sermon Series: On Mission

Devoted Disciples
by Brian Bill

The depth of our devotion will determine our awe and impact.

Text: Acts 2:42-43
Sermon Series: On Mission

Jesus the Victor
by Brian Bill

Christmas is all about how Christ covers our curse by dying in our place on the cross! 

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Christmas BC

Living in Light of His Return
by Brian Bill

Real change must take place on the inside.

Text: 2 Peter 3:14-18
Sermon Series: Growing in Grace (2 Peter)
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