
How Many Will Be Saved?
by Ray Pritchard

If our theology leads us to write off the majority of the human race as a hopeless cause, then perhaps we need to check our theology with the Bible.

Text: Luke 13:22-29
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

Sowing the Seed
by Brian Bill

If you’re serious about growing, then it’s time to start sowing.

Sermon Series: Practical Parable

The Pastor’s Reward
by Ray Pritchard

Only two things in this world are eternal—the Word of God and people. It only makes sense to build your life around those things that will last forever.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Serving Without Thanks
by Brian Bill

The issue is not whether we will serve, but where we will serve.

Text: Luke 17:7-10
Sermon Series: Practical Parable

We Cannot Fail
by Ray Pritchard

You’ll never know if Jesus is with you until you decide to go somewhere in his name.

Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Sermon Series: World Missions

Fear Not!
by Ray Pritchard

No one knows what a day may bring. Who knows if we will all make it through this week? But our God is faithful to keep every one of his promises.

Text: Genesis 15:1
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

Church of the Living Dead
by Ray Pritchard

The Sardis spirit overtakes us whenever we begin to take God’s gifts for granted. How quickly we can become the Church of the Living Dead and not even know it.

Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Sermon Series: Email from Jesus (Revelation 2-3)

Knowing and Growing
by Brian Bill

God wants us to know so that we can grow.

Text: 1 John 5:11-21
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

Becoming an Overcomer
by Brian Bill

Instead of always being overwhelmed, God wants us to be overcomers.

Text: 1 John 5:1-10
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

Figuring Out Falsehood
by Brian Bill

Because Christ is in believers, we must not believe everything we hear.

Text: 1 John 4:1-6
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)
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