Several weeks ago, Edgewood hosted a simulcast event from Voice of the Martyrs called, “Imprisoned for Christ,” featuring three men […]
Text: Romans 15:1-6Make the glory of God the story of your life.
Text: Acts 12:20-25God unleashes the extraordinary through ordinary people.
Text: Acts 11:19-30Be willing to do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
Text: Acts 11:1-18Be prepared to speak to those God has prepared.
Text: Acts 10:1-33God saves us so we will serve Him.
Text: Acts 9:19-31We must pray and plan, as we trust God’s providence.
Text: Acts 1:12-26Imagine waking up this morning and Iranian tanks and missiles are pointed at your house with members of the Revolutionary […]
Sermon Series: Glad You AskedWe have all been chosen by God to clap and cheer for our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. They need to hear it, and we need to do it. Let the applause begin.
Text: Hebrews 10:24-25Karen Tumulty, a columnist with the Washington Post recently came across a letter written by President Ronald Reagan to his […]
Text: Acts 9:36-42; John 4:1-42