
A Surprising Family Tree
by Brian Bill

Matthew 1:1-17

Sermon Series: Upside Down Christmas

God Wants You to Be Healthy and Wealthy?
by Brian Bill

Our entire family was together over the 4th of July and on Saturday we ventured to Adventureland.  I normally avoid […]

Text: Isaiah 53:1-6
Sermon Series: CONTEXT

Salvation: God Gives.
by Brian Bill

A pastor met a church member out in the community and asked why he didn’t attend services on a regular […]

Text: John 3:16
Sermon Series: Christmas: From Creation to Consummation

Engage Glocally
by Brian Bill

Let’s turn to Acts 8 and discover four different phases of living Glocally. 1. Preparation.  As the early church was […]


Engage with the Ordinances
by Brian Bill

A symbol is something that stands for something else.  I’m going to put some well-known symbols up on the screen […]

Text: Acts 8:12-13; Luke 22:7-23
Sermon Series: Engage

Engage in Prayer
by Brian Bill

Our preaching passage today is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  As a call to worship I’d like to read the […]

Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14
Sermon Series: Engage

Beware of Unbelief
by Brian Bill

Do you pay attention to signs when you see them?  It depends, right?  I like seeing signs that make me […]

Text: Mark 8:11-21
Sermon Series: Gospel of Mark: Servant and Savior

Where Bad Stuff Comes From
by Brian Bill

Haddon Robinson, who arguably has written the best book on preaching called, Biblical Preaching, once told a group of young […]

Text: Mark 7:14-23
Sermon Series: Gospel of Mark: Servant and Savior

The Drawing Power of Jesus
by Brian Bill

Have you ever noticed that grandparents love to show pictures of their grandchildren to every one they meet?  It’s like […]

Text: Mark 6:45-56

The Way
by Brian Bill

Contrary to popular opinion, there are not many ways to God. Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only life. He offers us His peace because He is getting our place ready. We can count on His promise to be united with Him if we follow His plan.

Sermon Series: Metaphors of the Messiah
1 3 4 5 6 7 25

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