
Discovering Your Style, Part 1
by Brian Bill

One of the keys to participating in evangelism is to figure out how God can use your personality and gifts to make an impact in the lives of others. While Peter was quite confrontational in his approach, Paul utilized a more intellectual line of reasoning. Do either of these styles describe your preferred approach? If so, don’t hold back!

Text: Acts 2:14-38; 17:16-31
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

Participating in the Process
by Brian Bill

Since we are God’s method, we need to be aware of God’s process. Sometimes He uses us to cultivate the soil of people’s lives. Other times, we have the opportunity to sow by sharing the gospel message. And, on occasion, we have the privilege of participating in the harvest! In whatever stage God chooses to use us, we are part of the redemptive process. Is there anything more exciting than that?

Text: Matthew 13:1-23
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

What We’re Called to Be
by Brian Bill

Jesus uses two metaphors to describe our influence in the world today. As salt, we are to make people thirsty for Jesus. As light, we have the privilege of pointing people to the true light of the world. Our challenge is to make sure we are “out of the saltshaker” and that we don’t hide what we have from others.

Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

How To Be Ready
by Brian Bill

The key in becoming infectious in our faith is to make sure that we have set apart Christ as Lord in our lives. When we are striving to live under the control of Christ, people will notice and will then ask us to explain the reason for the hope that we have. We need to be ready with some answers.

Text: 1 Peter 3:15
Sermon Series: Becoming a Contagious Christian

The Woman at the Well : Christ Speaks to the Problem of a Guilty Past
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus is ready to give us Living Water. Are we ready to receive it?

Text: John 4:1-30
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Long Road Home
by Ray Pritchard

This sermon is about one question and one question only: How do you come back to God? In putting the […]

Text: I Samuel 30
Sermon Series: Journey to the Throne: Meeting God in the Turning Points of Life (I Samuel 16 - II Samuel 1)

Knowing How to Pray
by Brian Bill

I want to give you a Bible quiz.  I’ll give you a hint – all the questions have to do […]

Text: Nehemiah 1
Sermon Series: A Time To Build

Praying for the Lost
by Ray Pritchard

“Prayer is the lifeline of New Testament evangelism, the oxygen for its holy fire. The New Testament was born in […]

Text: I Timothy 2:1-6
Sermon Series: Adventures in Prayer

A Blind Man Meets a Healer
by Brian Bill

As a blind beggar named Bart sits alongside the road, he hears something that makes his heart start racing. Tired of his predicament in life, he persistently shouts out to Jesus for some help. Jesus responds to his plea and provides sight to the one who was blind. Are you having a hard time seeing what really matters? Do you feel blind to what counts? If so, plead for mercy like Bart did. Your eyes will be opened to things you have never seen before!

Text: Luke 18:35-43
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

Who is the Antichrist?
by Ray Pritchard

Daniel 11 reveals important information about the coming world ruler called the Antichrist. Secular writers have predicted the emergency of “extreme evil.” Christians are called to be bold and live in hope because the future is in God’s hands.

Text: Daniel 11
Sermon Series: Daniel: Courageous Living in Turbulent Times

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