
What to Do When Someone’s Mad at You
by Brian Bill

I had the honor of hearing the Messiah give an amazing message on the side of a mountain last year […]

Text: Matthew 5:23-24
Sermon Series: Making Peace is Possible

Changing Your Mind
by Ray Pritchard

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you […]

Text: Romans 12:2
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

Finding Joy in the Junk of Life
by Brian Bill

Have you ever noticed how often the Bible is misquoted in everyday conversations? “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”   Sorry, moms, […]

Text: Romans 5:3-5
Sermon Series: The Grace Awakening

Our Awesome God
by Ray Pritchard

If your God is too small, perhaps you need to take another look at the God of the Bible.

Text: Romans 11:33-36
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Finding Hope in a Hopeless World
by Brian Bill

Good morning.  My name is Abraham.  I thought it was time for me to speak to you since the Apostle […]

Text: Romans 4:18-25
Sermon Series: By Faith Alone

Seven Signs Of The Second Coming
by Ray Pritchard

(Revised and Expanded January 9, 1991) The following things have happened in the last 72 hours: *Yesterday the Iraqi Revolutionary […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues

We’ve All Blown It
by Brian Bill

It had been a long day for the clerk at the cosmetic counter.  Having been on her feet all day, […]

Text: Romans 3:9-20
Sermon Series: By Faith Alone

The Fatal Flaws of Religion
by Brian Bill

I’ve been fascinated and frustrated about something for many years.  Have you noticed how companies are shrinking the size of […]

Text: Romans 2:17-29
Sermon Series: By Faith Alone

Has God Lost the Battle?
by Ray Pritchard

No matter how hopeless the situation looks, God has not lost the battle. In the end we’re going to come out on the winning side.

Text: Romans 11:1-10
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Singing Your Way to Victory
by Ray Pritchard

“I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift of God. Music drives away the […]

Text: 2 Chronicles 20
Sermon Series: Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare

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