
Christ B.C. Part III: A Prophet Like Moses
by Ray Pritchard

The evidence is clear and even overwhelming. Jesus is the Prophet like Moses promised in Deuteronomy 18. He is the ultimate fulfillment of a promise made 1500 years before his birth. What does this fulfillment signify for us today? Why should it matter to us that Jesus is the great Prophet sent by God?

Text: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Four Women in Jesus’ Family Tree
by Ray Pritchard

You might call this text “The forgotten chapter of the Christmas story.” It is a genealogy—a list of names, most […]

Text: Matthew 1:1-16
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

I’ll Be Home For Christmas
by Ray Pritchard

It had been a long, hard day on the road, and the two travelers were exhausted. It was a long […]

Text: Luke 2:1-7
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

From Jacob to Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

Our final study in the life of Jacob is different from all the rest. When we began, he was still […]

Text: Genesis 49:10; Luke 1:33
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

The Cradle And The Cross: Simeon’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

It’s a good question, isn’t it? If Jesus were born today, would it be any different than it was 2,000 […]

Text: Luke 2:25-35
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Jesus The Revolutionary: Mary’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

When the history of the 20th century is finally written, it may well be that the last forty years will […]

Text: Luke 1:48-55
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

The Impossible Dream: The Angels’ Song
by Ray Pritchard

It was 3 A.M. and as the fleet moved through the darkness of the Pacific Ocean men on every ship […]

Text: Luke 2:14
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Behind The Scenes At Christmastime: Zechariah’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

This year the title of our Christmas series is “The Songs of Christmas.” The theme is appropriate because it is […]

Text: Luke 1:67-80
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

We Three Kings
by Ray Pritchard

Let us lay aside our cares and follow the Wise Men on their journey to Bethlehem.

Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Sermon Series: Christmas Personalities

Herod: The Man Who Tried to Kill Christmas
by Ray Pritchard

This is the story of the man who tried to kill Christmas. It is strange and bizarre and doesn’t seem […]

Text: Matthew 2
Sermon Series: Christmas Personalities

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