
Loving God’s Law
by Brian Bill

I enjoy preacher jokes.  Here are some that I’ve heard over the years: A woman by the name of Gladys […]

Text: Deuteronomy
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

What Indiana Jones Was Looking For
by Brian Bill

As we come to our passage this morning, it will become very clear that the Almighty is extremely concise and […]

Text: Exodus 24-40
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

Lessons from the Wilderness
by Brian Bill

In an old Charlie Chaplin film there is a scene in which he is captured in battle and his captors […]

Text: Numbers 11-13
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

God the Lawgiver
by Brian Bill

As we come to Exodus 19-20 we come face-to-face with God’s standards for behavior in what has come to be […]

Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

God the Deliverer
by Brian Bill

Many years ago a two-month old baby girl was saved after being thrown into a lake in Brazil.  TV footage […]

Text: Exodus 1-12
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

God is with Us
by Brian Bill

As we focused on the life of Abraham last week it struck me that he was able to get up […]

Text: Genesis 24-50
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

Define the Relationship
by Brian Bill

After finally sweeping Beth off her feet, we started dating and as far as I was concerned we were just […]

Text: Genesis 12-22
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

Community Busters
by Brian Bill

I’d like to begin this morning with a Bible Quiz to see how well you know the major events that […]

Text: Genesis 3-11
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey

God’s Greatest Dream
by Brian Bill

One day a group of scientists got together and decided that they had come a long way and no longer […]

Text: Genesis 1-2
Sermon Series: The Old Testament Journey