
The Blessing No One Wants
by Brian Bill

Last week we focused on the applause that comes from heaven when we do the hard work of making peace […]

Text: Matthew 5:10-12
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

Making Peace in the Midst of Conflict
by Brian Bill

Conflict is everywhere, isn’t it?  In a classic Winston Churchill comeback, Lady Astor once said, “If you were my husband, […]

Text: Matthew 5:9
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

Pursuing Purity in an Impure World
by Brian Bill

I remember seeing a cartoon that shows a pastor and his wife deep in conversation.  The wife says, “Today let’s […]

Text: Matthew 5:8
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

The Benefits of Showing Mercy
by Brian Bill

One day, a woman who occasionally walked through the park after work, stopped to have her picture taken by a […]

Text: Matthew 5:7
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

The Happiness of a Hungry Heart
by Brian Bill

As Jesus continues to communicate the blessings that come from beatitude living, let’s summarize what we’ve learned so far Matthew […]

Text: Matthew 5:6
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

Meek Does Not Mean Weak
by Brian Bill

Matthew 26:53 tells us what Jesus said: “Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at […]

Text: Matthew 5:5
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

The Gladness of Sadness
by Brian Bill

I like to begin my messages with something that makes us laugh when I can (though some of you probably […]

Text: Matthew 5:4
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

The Poverty of Self-Sufficiency
by Brian Bill

I’ve received some wonderful green and gold gifts recently.  This Packer headband keeps my ears warm, and this cap announces […]

Text: Matthew 5:3
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living

Developing a Disciple’s Attitude
by Brian Bill

In a classic comic, Calvin and Hobbes are talking about the New Year when Calvin says, “I’m getting disillusioned with […]

Text: Matthew 5:1-2
Sermon Series: The Blessings of Beatitude Living