
Jesus On the Job
by Ray Pritchard

When you do a good job, you are serving Jesus Christ just as much as a missionary on the other end of the earth. The other side is also true. When you cheat your boss and do poor, shoddy work, when you’re lazy, when you show up late, when you’re not respectful, conscientious, sincere and eager, you are sinning against God just as much as the cheapest thief on the street.

Text: Ephesians 6:5-9
Sermon Series: Servants Unlimited

Is There a Servant in the House?
by Ray Pritchard

Servanthood should begin at home. If it doesn’t begin there, it probably won’t be seen anywhere.

Text: Ephesians 5:22-6:4
Sermon Series: Servants Unlimited

I’m Not Touching Your Stinkin’ Feet
by Ray Pritchard

Followers of Jesus distinguish themselves through humble acts of service to those who don’t expect it and are unable to repay it.

Text: John 13:1-17
Sermon Series: Servants Unlimited

Take Up Your Broom and Follow Me
by Ray Pritchard

Make me a servant, humble and meek; Lord let me lift up those who are weak.

Text: Mark 10:45
Sermon Series: Servants Unlimited

Servanthood: The Mark of Authentic Leadership
by Ray Pritchard

Warren Bennis is an educator, a philosopher, an author, a scholar and a keen observer of the American scene. These […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Servants Unlimited