
Neither Do I Condemn You
by Ray Pritchard

What Jesus said to this woman, he says to you and me.

Text: John 8:1-11
Sermon Series: Four Women Who Met Jesus

How to Quench the Thirst in Your Heart
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus is ready to give you Living Water. It’s free for the asking. Are you ready to receive it?

Text: John 4
Sermon Series: Four Women Who Met Jesus

by Ray Pritchard

If you think you deserve grace, you can never have it.
If you admit you don’t deserve it, you can have as much as you need.

Text: Matthew 15:21-28
Sermon Series: Four Women Who Met Jesus

How Much is Too Much?
by Ray Pritchard

Do you love Jesus? Good, then don’t be afraid to let the world know and don’t worry if others don’t understand.

Text: John 12:1-8
Sermon Series: Four Women Who Met Jesus