We live in a day when Christmas has become a controversial holiday. If you doubt that statement, just try putting […]
Text: Hebrews 1:1-3What would it cost Jesus to be the Savior of the world? He paid for our sins with the price of his own blood. Jesus is just one week old, and already he enters into the pain of human existence.
Text: Luke 2:21If Christ has really been born, why is the world so messed up? Why aren’t things better by now?
Text: Matthew 11:3There is a danger from viewing the sweetness of a Christmas pageant where all our children are so fresh-faced and adorable and everything is so clean and neat and nice, and the lighting is just right, the costumes so well done, and the staging so powerful, and the music so inspiring, that we can subconsciously think that this is the way it really was.
Text: Matthew 2:7-12This is Christmas Eve. Even though there is no command in the New Testament to celebrate Christmas, we happily join […]
Text: Hebrews 6:18-20Our text tells us how to celebrate Christmas. In its most literal sense, this passage describes the various responses of […]
Text: Luke 2:17-20Have you ever wondered when Christmas began? I’m not referring to the celebration of Jesus’ birth on December 25 because […]
Text: John 1:14It’s amazing how simple some things really are. Take the Bible, for instance. At first glance, it’s an intimidating book […]
Text: John 1:10-13He came for you. Do you believe that?
Text: Luke 2:8-11Are you with Herod or with the Wise Men?
Text: Matthew 2:16-18