After contributing significant resources to the construction of the temple, David led his people into a time of praise and thanksgiving. When we partner with God, we will be moved to praise Him and to break out into a time of celebration for what He has done.
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:1-20Christian giving is not about legalism, but about grace. Love asks, “How much can I give?” Legalism asks, “How little can I give?” We don’t give because we have to, but because we want to. Authentic and joyful giving is an unmistakable sign that we’ve been changed by God’s grace. Our giving should be thoughtful, enthusiastic, voluntary and cheerful.
Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15Jesus reminds us that we can only serve one master – money or the Almighty. If we don’t manage our money, it will manage us. Mammom is personified as a rival god because it fights for supremacy in our lives. Contrary to popular opinion, money is not just a neutral medium of exchange but a “power” with life of its own. As we focus on building for the future, we’ll disarm the dollar dragon by transferring ownership of everything we have to God.
Text: Matthew 6:19-24On this Labor Day weekend, it’s instructive to remember that our work matters to God for at least two reasons. First, God is a worker. He not only created the world, but He continues to work right now. Second, God has created us to be His co-workers. We are not to work for ourselves but with God, and for God. As we work, God provides for our needs and we’re able to joyfully join Him in providing for the needs of others.
Text: Acts 20:35; Ephesians 4:28