Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]
For the last few weeks in our studies of Romans 14-15, we have been looking at the call of God […]
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)Christian Liberty – You are free! Absolutely free. Christ has liberated you from the terrible burden of having to prove your worth by keeping a set of rules. You are free from the law, free from rule keeping, and free to make responsible choices. God has set you free so that you can please him with the choices you make.
Text: Romans 14:13-23Christians have always disagreed – a lot! And it’s not a bad thing. But there is always a danger that our own personal preferences will grow so important that we no longer accept our brothers and sisters in the Lord who disagree with us. The great unifying factor for the people of God is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken down the wall that separated us from God and from one another. In Him we are joined together in the body of Christ. If we truly believe in Him, we can let Him deal with those who disagree with us. In the meantime, don’t forget to treat those who disagree as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Text: Romans 14:1-12Part 1. There are many ways to kill the faith of a new Christian, but the easiest way – and the quickest – is through criticism and a lack of acceptance. We all have a tendency to criticize people who don’t do or say things the way we think they ought to be said or done. Terrible things can happen when we are too quick to offer personal judgments on believers who don’t meet our personal standards. How can we overcome the impulse to criticize our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Text: Romans 14:1-12Truly humble people are free from the burden of having to play God for other people.
Text: Romans 14:1-12This is not the first time I have addressed this subject. Over the 13 years I have served as a […]
Sermon Series: Critical Issues