
Let’s Read the Bible! January 18 (Psalms 1-3)
by Ray Pritchard

Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]


God’s Foreign Policy
by Ray Pritchard

Let’s lift up Jesus as the only hope of the world. And let’s invite the rebels on the other side to put down their weapons and join us in the great celebration of God’s Son, the Anointed One, Our coming King–Jesus Christ!

Text: Psalm 2
Sermon Series: Psalms for Today

The Right Man For The Job
by Ray Pritchard

(This sermon was given by Bob Boerman, Pastor of Family Ministries.) It was Aesop in 550 BC, who said, “We […]

Text: Psalm 2:10-12
Sermon Series: Election Day Special Sermon