
Our Mutual Covenant
by Ray Pritchard

Down in Texas they say that football is a religion. But I ran across something the other day that made […]

Text: Acts 2:41-47
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

Some Sneered, Others Questioned, A Few Believed: Lessons on the Amazing Power of the Gospel
by Ray Pritchard

Even Athens needs the gospel, and even in Athens God has his people ready to respond.

Text: Acts 17:32-34
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

Here Comes the Judge: Bad News for Modern Man
by Ray Pritchard

The gospel contains a word of warning, and we are not being faithful to God unless we include that warning in our witnessing.

Text: Acts 17:31
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

Repent! The Forgotten Doctrine of Salvation
by Ray Pritchard

The Gospel invitation begins with repentance. The first step in becoming a Christian is changing your mind about Jesus Christ.

Text: Acts 17:30
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

Homemade Gods: A Warning Against Modern-Day Baal Worship
by Ray Pritchard

The only lasting cure for idolatry is a fervent love for God. The hardest step is seeing our idols in the first place.

Text: Acts 17:29
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

Empty on the Inside: How God Reveals Himself to Us
by Ray Pritchard

If you don’t know God, it’s not God’s fault. God has already done everything necessary for you to have a relationship with him. He created the world and then left his fingerprints everywhere. He even placed you where you are so that you would seek him.

Text: Acts 17:26-28
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

He Doesn’t Need Your Help: The Truth You Must Understand
by Ray Pritchard

Those who listen to me preach on a regular basis know that whenever I find a good idea, I like […]

Text: Acts. 17:24-25
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

To an Unknown God: How to Find Common Ground
by Ray Pritchard

Between you and your unbelieving friends there is abundant common ground if only you will look for it.

Text: Acts 17:22-23
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

Babbling for Jesus: Speaking Truth to Highly Intelligent People
by Ray Pritchard

How do you speak truth to highly intelligent people? Acts 17 has the answer.

Text: Acts 17:18-21
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

From Athens to Oak Park: Why God Put Us Here
by Ray Pritchard

Let me imagine a situation for a moment and ask how you would respond. Let’s suppose that you are a […]

Text: Acts 17:16-17
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)