
Let’s Read the Bible! July 7 (Acts 1-2)
by Ray Pritchard

Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]


Why I Believe in a Last-Days Worldwide Awakening
by Ray Pritchard

If we are indeed living in the last days before the return of Christ, we should expect things to get better and worse at the same time. We should expect hard times and good times, increasing opposition and amazing open doors, trouble ahead and glorious gospel victories.

Sermon Series: World Missions

I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All People
by Ray Pritchard

When God pours out his Spirit on his people, they are never the same again.

Text: Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:14-21
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit

A Tale of Two Men
by Ray Pritchard

How do you know which religion has the truth? Find the one whose founder rose from the dead.

Text: Acts 2:24-32
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

The Incorruptible Christ
by Ray Pritchard

The first word is sometimes as important as the last word. Seven weeks had passed since the resurrection of Jesus. […]

Text: Acts 2:24
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

A Place to Belong
by Ray Pritchard

What happened in Acts 2 is not unique. It is possible whenever the church is the body of Christ and not simply an institution.

Text: Acts 2:41-47
Sermon Series: A Place to Belong

Our Mutual Covenant
by Ray Pritchard

Down in Texas they say that football is a religion. But I ran across something the other day that made […]

Text: Acts 2:41-47
Sermon Series: Our Mutual Covenant

by Ray Pritchard

What does it mean to be a truly Pentecostal church? We are to be united, praying, Spirit-filled, gospel preaching and harvesting everywhere we go. May God help us, after 2000 years, to finally become like the church as it was in the beginning.

Text: Acts 2
Sermon Series: World Missions

First Century Patterns For 21st-Century Churches
by Ray Pritchard

How closely should local churches follow the patterns of the New Testament? The answer is, as closely as possible, understanding that no one is 100% consistent and that outward forms will change over time. That means we need to focus on the key functions of the church, giving freedom to differ on how those functions are expressed.

Text: Various
Sermon Series: In Search of the Early Church

Taking The Plunge
by Ray Pritchard

Of all the issues that divide Christians, none is more hotly debated than the issue of baptism. For centuries godly […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues