
You Will Be My Witnesses: God’s Job Description for Every Christian
by Ray Pritchard

I first heard the question 27 years ago from my friend, Ben Wilkinson, a Presbyterian evangelist. He came to the […]

Text: Acts 1:8
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

Is It Time Yet? Don’t Forget the First Rule of the Spiritual Life
by Ray Pritchard

So when they met together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to […]

Text: Acts 1:6-7
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: The Source of Our Power
by Ray Pritchard

“I believe baptism in the Holy Ghost is exactly on the same plane as baptism in water—we never need to […]

Text: Acts 1:4-5
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

In God’s Waiting Room: Lessons from the “Down Time” of Life
by Ray Pritchard

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait […]

Text: Acts 1:4
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

Many Infallible Proofs: How We Know Christ Lives Today
by Ray Pritchard

“Without the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ the Christian faith would have been stillborn, for a living faith cannot survive […]

Text: Acts. 1:3
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

40 Amazing Days: The Original Founders Week
by Ray Pritchard

If you are a regular listener to Moody radio, you know that the annual Founder’s Week Bible Conference begins tomorrow […]

Text: Acts 1:1-3
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

The Adventure Begins: How Jesus Works Through Ordinary People
by Ray Pritchard

Today we are beginning a brand-new sermon series from the book of Acts. I find myself excited as I think […]

Text: Acts 1:1
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)